Study content
At the Nuremberg University of Music, we place particular emphasis on the music education of our students. Our aim is to produce highly qualified graduates who are able to pass on their enthusiasm for music in a professional manner and who can confidently meet the diverse demands of professional life.
The Music Education Bachelor's degree includes a wide range of music education courses that are taught throughout the duration of the degree. These include lectures in music pedagogy, as well as various practicals and specialist seminars such as teaching methodology, repertoire studies and teaching practice. The courses leave room for students to develop their artistic and pedagogical skills, for example, by choosing a bachelor key profile or a second major.
The Music Education Master's degree programmes serve to deepen and perfect pedagogical, academic, subject-specific and university-didactic skills, as well as to open up new fields of work in music education.
Career opportunities
The field of activity is very diverse and the possibilities can be individually combined. Everything is possible, from a full-time job in the public sector to a patchwork of different jobs. Our graduates work in these and other careers:
- Full-time or freelance music teacher in a public or private music school
- Independent music pedagogues, setting up their own music schools, working as concert pedagogues
- Freelance writer with publications in specialist journals or with music publishers
- Leading courses and seminars offered by associations, academies or companies
- Head of department in a music school
- Head of a music school (usually requires an additional course at the Bundesakademie in Trossingen)
- Teacher in a vocational school, college or academy
- Teacher at a college or university
All members of this study area
Sören Balendat Praxisorientiertes Klavierspiel, Fachdidaktik Jazz, Gehörbildung Jazz
Alexander Bayer Fachdidaktik Jazz-Bass, Berufskunde, Kontrabass (Hauptfach)
Mirjam Decker Musikpädagogik
Andreas Fischer Fachdidaktik Gitarre, Gitarre
Mobile +49 172 / 182 87 - 66
Sabrina Förner Frauenbeauftragte / Vokalpädagogik
Sofia Fuss Fachdidaktik Saxophon, Saxophon
Prof. Filippa Gojo Jazz-Gesang (Hauptfach)
Caroline Hausen Fachdidaktik Blockflöte
Haiko Heinz Fachdidaktik E-Gitarre
Mobile +49 175 / 520 63 - 26
Birgit Heller-Meisenburg
Prof. Ulrich Hench Fachdidaktik Klavier, Klavier, Praxisorientiertes Klavierspiel
Mobile +49 177 / 722 43 - 37
André Herteux Fachdidaktik Gitarre, Gitarre-Crossover
Susanne Kaiser Fachdidaktik Harfe
Mobile +49 160 / 626 86 - 53
Beate Keilhack Fachdidaktik Violine/Viola, Violine (Hauptfach)
Susanne Kraus-Hornung Jazz-Gesang (Hauptfach), Jazzspezifische Stimmbildung
Christoph Müller Musikrealisation
Phone +49 911 / 410 10 - 10
Mobile +49 179 / 733 52 - 79
Corina Nastoll Fachdidaktik Querflöte
Prof. Dr. Emilia Parada Cabaleiro Musikalische Bildung und künstliche Intelligenz
Prof. Bernhard Pichl Jazz-Piano, Musiktheorie Jazz, Lehrpraxis Jazz-Piano
Mobile +49 172 / 822 36 - 00
Prof. Dr. Renate Reitinger Vizepräsidentin für Studium, Lehre und Forschung / Musikpädagogik (Hauptfach)
Phone +49 911 / 215 22 - 103
Mobile +49 174 / 23 24 - 349