What is RE|LEVEL?
RE|LEVEL is a project for the further development of digitally supported university teaching. Sub-projects will test and evaluate new teaching and learning scenarios using specialised hardware and software. The projects range from remote individual and group tuition to new types of playing scenarios, such as motion tracking software development for use in music pedagogy and the development of the TIO Music practice and music-making app. The aim of the project is to establish positive impulses and successfully evaluated procedures from the sub-projects in university teaching, for example by integrating them into existing curricula.
Strategy and Stages
- Exploring: Testing and extending of existing formats, platforms and technical possibilities, including in specially equipped model rooms and by acquiring and working with different hardware and software.
- Evaluating: Monitoring and evaluation of digital teaching and learning scenarios, including by the teachers and students involved.
- Establishing: Integration of positively evaluated teaching and examination formats into existing curricula.
Contact persons
Holde Hell Hochschulkoordinatorin Nürnberg im Netzwerk 4.0 der Musikhochschulen, WPF Körperarbeit, Übetechnik, Innovationsmanagerin RE|LEVEL

Gisela Baur-Pajak Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin für den Bereich Evaluation RE|LEVEL

Michael Sollfrank Mitarbeiter IT