Deans of Studies
Our Dean of Studies work to ensure that students receive appropriate support. They are obliged to maintain confidentiality and will only act on behalf of students seeking advice at their express request.
In case of questions or criticism regarding the quality of studies and teaching:
Prof. Patrick Stadler klassisches Saxophon
Mobile +49 177 / 283 50 - 43

Prof. Dr. Aurelia Vişovan Klavier (Hauptfach)

Vice President
She is responsible for
- Recognition of academic achievements
- Study agreements
- Scheduling
Prof. Dr. Renate Reitinger Vizepräsidentin für Studium, Lehre und Forschung / Musikpädagogik (Hauptfach)
Phone +49 911 / 215 22 - 103
Mobile +49 174 / 23 24 - 349