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The Nuremberg University of Music has 6 academic and artistic departments. They form the basic structure of the study and teaching programmes.

The departments are subdivided into 25 study areas:

Department structure

Classification of lecturers

All lecturers are assigned to at least one department. The assignment is made by the university management on the basis of the current teaching programme.

Heads of departments

The heads of the departments are appointed by the university management from among the professors, on a proposal from the departments to the management. The term of office is two years from the beginning of the academic year.

Heads of study areas

The heads of study areas are appointed by the university management on the recommendation of the departments. They advise the Heads of departments on matters relating to their specific study area and coordinate matters relating to ongoing teaching in their area of study.

Department Council

Each department has a department council, which meets at least once a semester. The members of the departmental council are: the head of the department as chairperson and the heads of the study areas. Two student representatives sit on the council in an advisory capacity.