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News Anne Marie Harer appointed professor of baroque violin

Photo: Jérome Gerull

From 1 April 2024, Professor Anne Marie Harer will be Professor of Baroque Violin at Nuremberg University of Music. She succeeds Professor Anne Röhrig, who taught her for many years. She brings with her a wealth of experience and a lively enthusiasm for the baroque violin and historical performance practice.

When asked what she is most looking forward to, Prof Anne Marie Harer says   

I want to infect the students at the NUM with my enthusiasm for the baroque violin and historical performance practice! I am eager to meet my students, my colleagues and the audience in Nuremberg! I am looking forward to wonderful and exciting years in which we will discover a lot of Early Music together!

She enthusiastically describes her impression of Nuremberg and the Nuremberg University of Music:

 There is a wonderful atmosphere in this University of Music, which impressed me as soon as I entered the building. Nuremberg is such a lively, beautiful and friendly city, which I will now gradually discover for myself. Great anticipation!

Prof Anne Marie Harer has clearly defined her goals and visions for her teaching at the Nuremberg University of Music:

'I am very much looking forward to encouraging and challenging the students at NUM and supporting them in their artistic careers. Thinking outside the box and the individual artistic paths and forms of expression are very important to me. It is very important to me to accompany all students on this path.

Anne Marie Harer studied at the Hannover University of Music and Drama with Prof. Ulf Schneider, from which she graduated with distinction in 2008. She also studied baroque violin with Prof. Anne Röhrig - whose successor she now is -, recorder with Stefan Möhle and chamber music with Prof. Hatto Beyerle and Prof. Volker Jacobsen. In February 2012 she successfully completed her studies with a concert examination in violin.

Anne Marie Harer performs internationally on the baroque violin as a soloist, chamber musician and concertmaster in various chamber orchestras and Early Music ensembles. She has performed at renowned festivals such as the Göttingen and Halle International Handel Festivals, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Leipzig Bach Festival, the Usedom Music Festival and the Regensburg Early Music Festival. She has also appeared in television and radio recordings for broadcasters such as NDR, SWR, BR and Deutschlandfunk and her discography includes numerous recordings for the Audite, CPO, Rondeau and Accent labels.

She is a frequent guest concertmaster with the lautten compagney BERLIN, Schola Heidelberg, Das kleine Konzert and Cantus Cölln. She has collaborated for many years with Prof. Lajos Rovatkay in concerts and CD productions.

She is artistic director and concertmaster of the North German baroque ensemble la festa musicale.

Under her direction, la festa musicale received the prestigious German Record Critics' Award in January 2024 and was included in the federal programme "Excellent Orchestral Landscape of Germany".

From 2021 to 2023, Anne Marie Harer was a Dorothea Erxleben Scholar, and until February 2024, she taught baroque violin and historical performance practice at the Institute for Early Music at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media.